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Meet our expert teachers
Uppercase is powered by top-notch, trusted teachers who have been there before.
Our experts are award-winning, hand-selected based on their mastery of content and track record of student success.
Dr. Gina Pepin teaches in a rural Michigan elementary school as a reading intervention teacher. She holds an Ed.D. in Teacher Leadership and a MS in Reading & Literacy K-6. She is the 2023-2024 and 2018-2019 Region 1 Teacher of the Year for Michigan. She is passionate about early literacy and teacher leadership and co-authored a professional learning book with children's book author Eric Litwin entitled The Power of Joyful Reading: Help Your Young Readers Soar to Success (Scholastic, 2020).
- K-2 Intervention and Assessment
- Family Literacy
- PreK-2 Literacy
- Teacher Leadership
- Teacher Preparation
Rachel Lamb taught 2nd grade in Denver, Colorado. She is known for lessons that are punctuated by real-world applications, layered by technology, design thinking and project-based subjects. Her perspective on education has resulted in becoming a National Board Certified Teacher, Nearpod Pionear, National Geographic Certified Educator, two-time TEDxABQ Education Speaker, Apple Distinguished Educator, PBS Digital Innovator, the Henry Ford Teacher Innovator and an ISTE Making IT Happen award recipient.
- K-5 Social Studies and Science
- Indigenous education
- Technology integration
- Culturally responsive teaching
- Professional development
Kristen Poindexter has been a Kindergarten teacher for 23 years and is passionate about teaching Science. She is the recipient of several national awards, including the 2014 National Shell Science Teacher Award, 2014 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching Award, 2018 Robert E. Yager Excellence in Science Teaching Award, and the 2023 Ball State University Outstanding Alumni Award. Kristen is currently pursuing her Ed.D in Curriculum and Instruction; Science Education at Indiana University with a minor in Early Childhood Leadership and Organization.
- K-5 Science
- Kindergarten
- Early childhood
- Play-based learning
- Technology
Dawn Bates is a current 2nd grade teacher in Joliet, IL and is passionate about teaching Science and Social Studies. She has experience in grades 1-2 in a Suburban, Public, Title 1 school. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and received the Joliet Area Great Teacher Award for her work. Dawn is also an alumni of Teach Plus, an organization that empowers teachers to advance policy changes, and improve instructional leadership.
- K-5 Math, ELA, and Science
- National Board Certification
- Student accountability for learning
- Student self-assessment
- Cooperative learning groups
Brian is a current 3rd grade teacher and Social Studies Curriculum Developer in Tallahassee, Florida. He has taught grades 2-5 across his career and was named Florida’s History Teacher of the Year by the Gilder Lehrman Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving history education. He has also been named Teacher of the Year by Florida Council for the Social Studies.
- K-5 Social Studies, Math, and ELA
- Parent involvement
- Classroom management
- Student engagement
- Building student relationships
Erean is an Elementary School Teacher at KIPP Chicago and is a 2020-2021 Teach Plus Illinois Early Childhood Educator Policy Fellow. Previously, she was a Head Start Teacher at Chicago Youth Centers. She holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Instructional Leadership with a specialization in Early Childhood Education and Special Education Endorsement from the University of Illinois Chicago, an English as a Second Language Endorsement from Roosevelt University, and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology with a Minor in History from Northern Illinois University.
- K-3 General Education
- Reading strategies for literacy
- Classroom management
- Trauma-informed practices
- Positive learning environments
Jermar Rountree is a health and physical education teacher at Center City Public Charter School, Brightwood Campus, where he also serves as Athletic Director and district lead for physical education and health. Named the 2023 DC Teacher of the Year and a National Teacher of the Year finalist, he’s also the first African American physical education teacher in this role. Jermar emphasizes the role of movement in academic performance and prioritizes mental and emotional health, partnering with organizations to enrich student growth.
- Classroom Management,
- Equity Engagement (staff and students)
- Physical Movement in Lessons
- Cross-Curricular Collaboration
- Behavior Support
Deanne Moyle-Hicks is the 2022 Nevada Teacher of the Year and a 30-year veteran with a National Board Certification. Deanne earned a teaching degree from the University Nevada Las Vegas and holds a master’s degree from Lesley University. Deanne has taught grades K-6 and was a literacy coach for 5 years, all in Title I schools in Elko and Washoe County Nevada. The last 5 years of her teaching career were spent on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation looping with her students.
- K-5 Reading, Writing, and Math
- Unit planning
- Classroom management
- Curriculum pacing
Caryn Long is a veteran educator of 35 years with experience across all levels from K-College. Caryn’s passion is in Elementary STEM-based teaching. She is a Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching recipient for the state of North Carolina and a recent inductee to the National Teachers Hall of Fame. Caryn is also an Albert Einstein Distinguished Teacher Fellowship awardee, placed at NASA Headquarters to develop education programs for Title I schools.
- K-6 experiential STEM
- Educational technology
- NASA resources for educators
- Introduction to teaching
- Science methods
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Teachers have Uppercase.
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We believe that supporting a 3.5 million person teaching workforce requires tools built for our current era of connection and learning. We aim to create an authentic community around the highest quality resources and knowledge, based on how teachers want to connect and learn.
Specifically, we aim to offer:
- Colleagueship: Opportunities to collaborate with peers in community
- Access to expertise: Support from experienced colleagues who have done the job
- Just-in-time support: Advice and resources offered in the moment when teachers need it
- Personalization: Academic and soft-skill support that is personalized and relevant
Uppercase soft launched to an invitation-only, small group of K-5 teachers in Spring 2024. The goal of our soft launch was to learn from teachers, test what works and develop our product.
Uppercase is a venture-backed technology company, supported by an anonymous funder, Precursor Ventures, Learn Capital, Twenty Seven Ventures, and others.
We are founded by a team with deep expertise in education and teacher development. Together, we are a community of life-long learners who believe in the collective brain trust of America’s teachers.
Our advisors include: Arne Duncan, Former U.S. Secretary of Education; Jim Mylen, Senior Advisor, Emerson Collective; President, Strategic Accounts, Amplify; and Ellen Moir, Founder and Former CEO, New Teacher Center.
Interested in joining our team? Email us at info@uppercaseteach.com.
We are initially launching with a focus on ELA, Math, Science and Soft Skills for grades K-5. Uppercase will soon support all K-12 subjects. Join our waitlist to be notified when your subject and grade are added.
We will introduce more K-12 grades, subjects and focused discussion tags soon. We also will introduce new ways of connecting and learning through enhanced features to come.
We work with teachers of all subjects, in any type of school within any district, who are seeking to grow and excel.
We developed a rigorous application and vetting process based on the industry standard for defining mastery in teaching. Our experts are nominated by communities, school districts, awards programs, and education leaders. They are vetted by Uppercase based on their mastery of content and track record of student success. Interested in becoming an expert? Contact us: info@uppercaseteach.com
Experts are denoted on the platform with our U-verification mark.
We believe the expert teachers of today should guide and shape the expert teachers of tomorrow. Experts have seeded the Uppercase platform with their classroom-tested advice and resources. Our experts specialize in competencies they have spent their careers perfecting. By creating a space for experts to share their knowledge, we aim to provide a community of vetted, trusted advice and support.
Yes. All teachers can share their knowledge on Uppercase through our discussion communities, sharing resources and posting classroom ideas and inspiration. We are a community of life-long learners and believe all teachers have something to contribute based on their unique insights and experiences.
All teachers can create an account and access current Uppercase features for free. In the future, we plan to offer a free subscription option alongside paid options offering additional features.
Uppercase’s mission is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, best practices, and high-quality resources among teachers. When you upload lesson plans, instructional materials, or other content to the Uppercase platform, that content will be available to other teachers on the Platform for educational and instructional purposes only. Other teachers may edit your lesson plans and use your content for instructional purposes in their own classrooms. Other users are not permitted to sell or use your content for commercial purposes. You retain ownership of your teaching materials, and Uppercase does not control or direct what you upload onto the platform.
For more information on how your content may be used, please see the Uppercase Terms of Service.
Uppercase is developing a tool that allows users to receive advice using artificial intelligence (AI). We may use your content to train and improve our AI advice bot; as such, some teaching advice and resources on the platform may be generated or enhanced using our AI algorithms.
We encourage teachers to post only their own original work created on their own time and outside of their job duties at school. Uppercase respects the intellectual property rights of teachers and other publishers of educational materials. Users may not post infringing content to the platform. If you want to post material that is not your own original work, you must have the right to use it, which typically means getting permission from the creator of the work, or posting materials under a license that allows you to do so. If you are not sure whether the material you want to post is infringing, please refrain from posting it or consult with an attorney familiar with intellectual property issues. Finally, it’s best to avoid using trademarked brand names in your materials to avoid trademark infringement.
Linking to an outside source is generally safe as long as you don’t have reason to believe that the material itself is infringing. For example, if you want to link to a news article, you should link directly to the original news source’s website, rather than to a third-party website that has copied the article, who may be using the article without permission. If you link to an outside website, please comply with that website’s policies and terms of service. This means that if a website has a policy of prohibiting links, you must get permission from the website’s owner before posting a link on the Uppercase platform.
No, at this time, users are prohibited from posting videos showing themselves teaching in the classroom. Classroom videos are prohibited both to protect the privacy of your colleagues and students, and to avoid violating the privacy policies of many school districts where teachers work. Teachers may not post any content that contains personal information, photos, or videos of minors.
Teacher contracts vary widely, but school districts often claim ownership over any resources created by their employees using the districts’ time, money, or resources. We encourage teachers to post only their own original work created on their own time and outside the scope of their employment. School districts have their own policies and practices regarding intellectual property ownership, so you should review and be sure to comply with your school’s specific policies and contracts. Additionally, all Expert Teachers should ensure that participating in the Expert Teacher Program aligns with their school’s policies on receiving compensation for extracurricular activities.