Uppercase asked

What are some steps you take to engage with parents at the beginning of the year?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas
Kristen Poindexter asked

Who are some lesser known scientists that you share with your students? What are their names and contributions to science?

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Ashley Thomas
Uppercase asked

What are ways you recognize and reinforce positive behavior? Do you have consequences for poor behavior?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Ashley Thomas Profile image for Angela Homan
Uppercase asked

How do you teach math to a group of students of different levels?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Ashley Thomas
Uppercase asked

What advice do you have for early career teachers on time management?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
Uppercase asked

How do you structure your prep time to get through all of your tasks?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas
Brandie Loomis Ed.S asked

What advice do you have for the job search for new teachers? How can you stand out in a sea of potential candidates to help land an interview and what are there hidden "rules" to remember while applying for jobs?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
Uppercase asked

How do you use and implement behavior plans in your class?

Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Jan Ogino NBCT Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed
Ashley Thomas asked

What are some of your favorite professional books that you recommend?

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
Gina Pepin, Ed.D. asked

Do you reach out to past or present students mid summer? If so what do you include?

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed
Uppercase asked

How do you build community in a new school setting as a new teacher? It seems like other teachers have already formed their own groups.

Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Jan Ogino NBCT
Chelsey asked

Any advice for a teacher who will be 3rd Grade Team Lead for the first time this upcoming school year? Any advice on communication for colleagues, how to build rapport with the team, and how to organize meetings?

Profile image for Amanda Jessee Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brandie Loomis Ed.S
Christie W asked

How do you limit students from talking to each other on the carpet and from shouting out?

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Linda Dixon asked

How would you rate your self-efficacy skills as a teacher?

Teachers who believe in their abilities ( handling tasks, obligations and challenges) increase their level of self-efficacy.

Do you value the importance of continuous professional development?

Do you use reflection to improve your teaching practice?

Do you set attainable goals?

Do you maintain a strong academic focus throughout your lessons and provide
constructive feedback to students?

Do you demonstrate resilience and view knockbacks as temporary stumbling

Answering yes to these questions, shows powerful predictors of a teacher’s effectiveness. Self-efficacy means believing in your ability to succeed in any situation.

Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed
Ashley Thomas asked

What are some of your favorite review activities (I’m thinking before a summative assessment) for math?

Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed Profile image for Angela Homan
Gina Pepin, Ed.D. asked

Anyone else attending the 2024 national teacher leadership conference in Denver Colorado?

Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed Profile image for Angela Homan
Kristen Poindexter asked

How do you engage ALL your learners in a lesson?

Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D. Profile image for Ashley Thomas Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed
Ashley Thomas asked

I know most of us are enjoying our summer break so back-to-school resources sounds scary, BUT what are your favorite activities to do with students on the first week back that help you build relationships and set routines?

Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed Profile image for Angela Homan Profile image for Dawn Bates, NBCT
Noraa Ransey, NBCT asked

What are you doing this summer to take care of YOU?!

Profile image for Linda Dixon Profile image for Brian Lassiter Profile image for Gina Pepin, Ed.D.
Linda Dixon asked

Do you incorporate practice into your students’ daily schedule?

There is evidence that classroom techniques designed to get students to participate in the learning process can produce better educational outcomes at all levels. Practice is essential to learning and practice-based experiences should be integrated throughout the curriculum. Learning and improving with practice depends on how frequently the skill is engaged. The more students do something, the better they get at it. If students do not practice often, the skill fades and they are going to forget what they learned. It’s all about bringing the consistency of practice into your daily schedule.

Profile image for Noraa Ransey, NBCT Profile image for Erean Mei,M.Ed Profile image for Angela Homan