Thank you for sharing this resource. It’s so fun and engaging. I know my first graders will love it!
We have in place a volunteer twice a week that is a retired teacher and grandmother to the class. The kids LOVE reading to her and showing her how many new words, phrases, and new books they can read. She has been an amazing asset to our reading growth.
We also celebrate every gain like mastering a new list. We are working on the 109 words this year. Our celebrations can be in small groups or as a whole class in which we stop and give an “oh! Yeah!” or clap for the student reaching a goal. It has really built our class family. My school likes to celebrate big goals, but don’t forget about those small gains as well.
We track our reading with a punch card and any Friday my kids earn 10 punches we have lunch club in which they eat with me. It is by far their most favorite reward and I get to know my students better while I celebrate their success. The kids hold on to their cards until they get 10 so eventually I eat with everyone!