As you end one school year, is there anything you do to help prepare for the next year before you leave?
1. Take pictures of all technology so when I hook it back up it’s so much easier.
2. Donate items I have not used the past year.
3. Make Meet the Teacher copies to avoid coming in the summer.
4. Declutter library and resources trash items that are torn, replaceable, making our space unorganized.
By the end of the year, my classroom tends to be organized chaos. I know where everything is, but no one else could find it, including my future self after summer. So, I take the time to organize and update my classroom materials, ensuring everything is labeled and stored properly for easy access when I return.
Definitely time to toss what has not been used! Time to shred data sheets and prepare intervention files for next year.
For intervention groups, we prepare, digital, and hard copy files for students in summer school. The students in our interviewing groups often carry their intervention plans well into the summer… Utilize summer as an add-on intervention, but a fun and engaging twist. The skills and targets and goals, etc., are still very intentional and targeted and individualized
The assessments are reviewed and intervention groups begin in the fall, right where they left off in the summer
I keep a document throughout the year where I keep reflections and ideas for future changes. I go back and try to fill it in with recent items and logistical stuff. It helps at the beginning of the year because I’ll remember what to tweak.
Also, the more I clean and clear out, the better.
We the next year I do the following:
1. Declutter
2. Any unused supplies are returned to the students.
3. Organize lessons that were created for the next year.
4. Inventory classroom library books
5. Reflection time (what needs to be readjusted)
6. Look for summer PD that would help me in areas that I need more information
7. Brainstorm ideas that I might want to try for the new year.