Our 2nd grade teachers shared that place value was the hardest unit this year for a majority of students. We began Eureka Squared this year but they needed to find additional practice options. Do you have any go to sources for place value?
Place value is best introduced with manipulatives until they master hundreds, tens, and ones. I like doing small group instruction to assess where kids are and what to teach them next. I love having the kids play place value games while I work in small groups. There are over 1,000 free games for place value on teachers pay teachers. I use this one with uno cards frequently and another called bundles and sticks. This can be found on the Kentucky Centers for Mathematics along with many other math games! https://www.kentuckymathematics.org/docs/kcm_virtual/KCM_Virtual_Focus_on_Place_Value-Kim_Jones-handouts.pdf
To help teach place value, I have used base ten blocks and an interactive place value website that uses arrow cards. Here is the link: https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/arrowCards/